Hey friends,
Remember how Betty White experienced a huge surge in popularity due to social media like Facebook and Twitter? And remember how that got her the chance to host some shows, guest star in others, and become a go-to pop culture reference? And did you see how that got leveraged into a huge birthday tribute that was almost as big as the Golden Globes?
If you answered yes to all of those questions, then you probably saw the show right after Betty White's birthday dinner where she led a legion of elderly in tricking, pranking, and taking advantage of the young(er). Nothing too terrible happened, at least not in the first episode, but I imagine that senior citizens will be less and less content to remain the early-birding, constant-voting, benign old people they are today.
Scariest of all is the fact that Betty White (and her super-secret white-haired think-tank) used a young person's tool kit to overtake a young person's world. They've turned our own technology against us. And that is why Betty White may be an evil genius.
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